Hosea 4:6 – “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”
Ignorance of something does not cancel the existence of that thing. That God has not healed your sickness doesn’t mean God cannot heal the sick today.
Do you know that even if free food were to be provided for everybody today, some set of persons will still die of starvation? Why?!? You may ask! Its ignorance!!! Ignorance can make you lose what was rightfully yours.
What you don't know, you will abuse. Philip and Andrew abused the personality of Jesus because they lacked a good knowledge of who He was.
John 6:7-9 – “Philip answered him, Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little. One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, saith unto him, There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?”
Jesus is the bread of life. Without him was nothing made that was made. That includes the fishes. But here Philip and Peter did not have a full understanding of Jesus.
So when you don’t know God, you may abuse his personality. It’s a shame and a blow on the face of God when we his children belittle his capabilities as God.
Bible says; “my people…” that is a very strong affirmative statement. God wasn’t referring to everybody. He was referring to a specific set of people. And this people are the children of the Most High King.
Guess what?!? The bible never said; 'My people WERE destroyed or SHALL BE destroyed' No!! It says 'My People ARE DESTROYED!' That means that even in this generation, we still have Christians who lack knowledge of their true place in Christ.
Beloved, If You are among God's people, then we've got to be different. God is saying; these my people are destroyed… this people perish… This people are doomed… Friend did u hear that?!? Please Scream; NOT ME!!! Indeed... NOT ME!
Why should such special set of people be destroyed? Why should they be doomed with all the privileges they have as children of God. The answer is not far-fetched; They are doomed because they fail to know.
Listen to me, the major challenge many Christians are facing is that they try to conclude God. Many believe that there are certain miracles that God did in the past that He can't do NOW! Please when did God change??? Let's stop TRYING TO EXPLAIN GOD! When God speaks to you, know it, claim it, and believe it!
Bible says in psalms 119:89; Forever oh Lord, thy word is settled in heaven!
God is saying, I have so many wonderful things that are written about you, but you've got to know what was written.
2 Peter: 3. 18. But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
There is a need to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus.
I repeat again that the major problem of many Christians is that they've failed to know...
They've failed to know that Jesus took their place and became sin so we could be made the righteousness of God in Jesus.
They've failed to know that there's no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, therefore we've been forgiven and made whole.
They've failed to know that they're free and whoever the son sets free is FREE INDEED, Therefore they can't be in ANY bondage
They've failed to know that their lives are in the hands of their maker, therefore NO MAN CAN KILL THEM
They've failed to know that Jesus became poor that they might be rich
They've failed to know that God can never stop loving them irrespective of what they had done in the past or what they will do in the future because his love is EVERLASTING.
They've failed to know that both HE (JESUS) that sanctifies and THEY (US) which are sanctified are ONE.
They've failed to know that God's grace is available and sufficient, therefore we have what it takes to succeed.
They've failed to know that by his stripes we were HEALED, therefore we are not permitted to fall sick. Good health is our birth right!
They've failed to know that their strength and efforts cannot take them far, but with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
They've failed to know that even as he is, so are we in this world. God is the ALMIGHTY and we are his image. Therefore we are unstoppable!
They've failed to know that God is not a failure, therefore we can't fail in life.
They've failed to know that he has our needs met already because he is our supplier. He's our ever present help EVEN in time of trouble.
They've failed to know that even through tribulation and trials, we're not alone because JESUS is our Good Shepherd. He said he will never leave nor forsake us!
They've failed to know that the veil was torn and as such EVERYONE has unrestricted access to God through Jesus!
Beloved, God is not a joker. Whatever He said about you is true irrespective of how foolish it may seem. Remember God is not limited by human laws because he is not a man.
Always know these that God has written SO MANY THINGS about you in the Bible. What is written, IS WRITTEN! Nothing can change your destiny and place in God.
So GIVE YOURSELF TO IT. Grow in Grace and IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS.. Remember Jesus is the WORD! So when you grow in JESUS, His words WILL INCREASE IN YOU!
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