Have you won a soul today? What are you waiting for? Are you oblivious about the things going on in our society? Have you considered the number of teenagers, youths, young adults, students, choristers and even your friends and loved ones who are wasting their lives on daily basis? Do you know that there are many youths out there who are hurting inside, though they seem to be okay on the outside?
What's really keeping you from reaching out to people with the gospel? Why are you always postponing it? Do you know what the next second or minute holds? Know these that for every minute you waste, lives are wasting as well. And the more time you waste, the more souls will keep wasting.
Come to think of it?!?! Has someone ever talked to you about Christ? If yes!?! Then, imagine where you would have been if that person never told you anything about Christ. Am very happy that you are saved but you don’t need to be idle in the kingdom. You have work to do for the master. You were saved to save others. Think of those friends of yours in school. How about those boys who keep flocking around you in your street? Don't you think they too need Jesus? Oh!!! Don't tell me you are ashamed of sharing God's love with them!
Many a times we spend so much of our precious time criticizing and condemning the same people we are supposed to help. Would criticism and discriminating help them? No!!! It won't. Instead it would make them feel more rejected and worthless.
Can you just pause a while and imagine where this people would be if Christ should come today. I don't think you would be happy to see your loved ones and friends, and even that girl or boy in hell fire? Or would you?!?
So I think it's high time we as Christians rise up and do our master's job. Let's stop condemning those that are yet to be saved. Remember we were once in their shoes. And its only grace that saved us; not because we deserved it in any way. "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Eph. 2:8,9.
You may be wondering why I’m sounding this way; Sorry! If my words offend you, but note this that it is very obvious beyond doubt that time is no more on our side. GOD’S PRECIOUS SOULS ARE WASTING!!!
Are you thinking of how to start? That's not a problem!?! The Holy Spirit is there to help you. Ask him to direct and lead you. And it will surprise you how wonderful it is to win a soul.
Next time when you see that girl that dresses like a prostitute, instead of condemning her, you could give her a tract or flier before passing.
When next that boy comes around you for intimacy, you could tell him about Jesus. Please just make sure you do something to win a soul for Christ.
Always bear this in mind that there are many people out there who think God can never forgive them again, probably due to the things they may have done. They are people who think their lives are worthless; therefore they resort to doing all manner of sinful things just to punish themselves. You may feel they should be the ones to come for help… Well! I don’t think so. Remember the scripture; "And he said unto them, Go ye into the entire world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15.
The command Jesus is giving us here is "GO!" Therefore it's in our place to go out and preach to EVERY CREATURE and not the other way round. Hmmm! Did I hear you say; "But I’m not a pastor!!!" right?!? neither am I. Dear friend, Jesus wasn’t referring to pastors, but to all believers including you and I. Please like I said before, don't wait for someone to run up to you crying about his sinful life before you help him; cause that may never happen. Instead, you GO AFTER THEM!
It could be you've won so many souls for God and as such you think it's time to rest or better still, retire! Hmm! Where in the entire bible have you seen or heard that Satan rested or retired? No sir!!! There is no time for that; so why should we? 1Peter 5:8; "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.", "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall" 1Cor 10:12.
The devil is very crafty and deceitful. He can take advantage of the slightest opportunity he has. Jesus understood this that's why he said before leaving; "occupy till I come". So keep doing it until he comes. Don't get tired. What if the person is not responding? Well keep pressing on. Pray for the salvation of the person and the Holy Spirit will do the conviction.
Did you know that although Peter was declared by the master to be the rock upon which the gate of hell shall not prevail, yet Jesus still needed to pray for his salvation? "And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: BUT I HAVE PRAYED FOR THEE, THAT THY FAITH FAIL NOT: AND WHEN THOU ART CONVERTED, STRENGTHEN THY BRETHREN" Luke 22:31,32.
What if Jesus felt too big to pray for him? What if Jesus left him alone to run his race all by himself? What if Jesus decided to mind his own business as many of us do today? Please remember, you were saved to save others! Jesus told Peter, when thou art converted, STRENGTHEN THY BRETHREN! Every soul out there despite their past is very important before God, Its in your place as a believer to STRENGTHEN THEM. Reach out and save a soul today and you'll never regret it!!! PLEASE GET UP AND WORK... SOULS ARE WASTING!!!
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