Saturday, 31 October 2015


Hosea 4:6 – “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”

Ignorance of something does not cancel the existence of that thing. That God has not healed your sickness doesn’t mean God cannot heal the sick today.

Do you know that even if free food were to be provided for everybody today, some set of persons will still die of starvation? Why?!? You may ask! Its ignorance!!! Ignorance can make you lose what was rightfully yours.

What you don't know, you will abuse. Philip and Andrew abused the personality of Jesus because they lacked a good knowledge of who He was.

John 6:7-9 – “Philip answered him, Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little. One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, saith unto him, There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?”

Jesus is the bread of life. Without him was nothing made that was made. That includes the fishes. But here Philip and Peter did not have a full understanding of Jesus.
So when you don’t know God, you may abuse his personality. It’s a shame and a blow on the face of God when we his children belittle his capabilities as God.

Bible says; “my people…” that is a very strong affirmative statement. God wasn’t referring to everybody. He was referring to a specific set of people. And this people are the children of the Most High King.

Guess what?!? The bible never said; 'My people WERE destroyed or SHALL BE destroyed' No!! It says 'My People ARE DESTROYED!' That means that even in this generation, we still have Christians who lack knowledge of their true place in Christ.

Beloved, If You are among God's people, then we've got to be different. God is saying; these my people are destroyed… this people perish… This people are doomed… Friend did u hear that?!? Please Scream; NOT ME!!! Indeed... NOT ME!

Why should such special set of people be destroyed? Why should they be doomed with all the privileges they have as children of God. The answer is not far-fetched; They are doomed because they fail to know.

Listen to me, the major challenge many Christians are facing is that they try to conclude God. Many believe that there are certain miracles that God did in the past that He can't do NOW! Please when did God change??? Let's stop TRYING TO EXPLAIN GOD! When God speaks to you, know it, claim it, and believe it!

Bible says in psalms 119:89; Forever oh Lord, thy word is settled in heaven!
God is saying, I have so many wonderful things that are written about you, but you've got to know what was written.

2 Peter: 3. 18. But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.

There is a need to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus.

I repeat again that the major problem of many Christians is that they've failed to know...
They've failed to know that Jesus took their place and became sin so we could be made the righteousness of God in Jesus.

They've failed to know that there's no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, therefore we've been forgiven and made whole.

They've failed to know that they're free and whoever the son sets free is FREE INDEED, Therefore they can't be in ANY bondage

They've failed to know that their lives are in the hands of their maker, therefore NO MAN CAN KILL THEM

They've failed to know that Jesus became poor that they might be rich

They've failed to know that God can never stop loving them irrespective of what they had done in the past or what they will do in the future because his love is EVERLASTING.

They've failed to know that both HE (JESUS) that sanctifies and THEY (US) which are sanctified are ONE.

They've failed to know that God's grace is available and sufficient, therefore we have what it takes to succeed.

They've failed to know that by his stripes we were HEALED, therefore we are not permitted to fall sick. Good health is our birth right!

They've failed to know that their strength and efforts cannot take them far, but with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

They've failed to know that even as he is, so are we in this world. God is the ALMIGHTY and we are his image. Therefore we are unstoppable!

They've failed to know that God is not a failure, therefore we can't fail in life.

They've failed to know that he has our needs met already because he is our supplier. He's our ever present help EVEN in time of trouble.

They've failed to know that even through tribulation and trials, we're not alone because JESUS is our Good Shepherd. He said he will never leave nor forsake us!

They've failed to know that the veil was torn and as such EVERYONE has unrestricted access to God through Jesus!

Beloved, God is not a joker. Whatever He said about you is true irrespective of how foolish it may seem. Remember God is not limited by human laws because he is not a man.
Always know these that God has written SO MANY THINGS about you in the Bible. What is written, IS WRITTEN! Nothing can change your destiny and place in God.
So GIVE YOURSELF TO IT. Grow in Grace and IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS.. Remember Jesus is the WORD! So when you grow in JESUS, His words WILL INCREASE IN YOU!


Wednesday, 28 October 2015


Have you won a soul today? What are you waiting for? Are you oblivious about the things going on in our society? Have you considered the number of teenagers, youths, young adults, students, choristers and even your friends and loved ones who are wasting their lives on daily basis? Do you know that there are many youths out there who are hurting inside, though they seem to be okay on the outside?

What's really keeping you from reaching out to people with the gospel? Why are you always postponing it? Do you know what the next second or minute holds? Know these that for every minute you waste, lives are wasting as well. And the more time you waste, the more souls will keep wasting.

Come to think of it?!?! Has someone ever talked to you about Christ? If yes!?! Then, imagine where you would have been if that person never told you anything about Christ. Am very happy that you are saved but you don’t need to be idle in the kingdom. You have work to do for the master. You were saved to save others. Think of those friends of yours in school. How about those boys who keep flocking around you in your street? Don't you think they too need Jesus? Oh!!! Don't tell me you are ashamed of sharing God's love with them!

Many a times we spend so much of our precious time criticizing and condemning the same people we are supposed to help. Would criticism and discriminating help them? No!!! It won't. Instead it would make them feel more rejected and worthless.

Can you just pause a while and imagine where this people would be if Christ should come today. I don't think you would be happy to see your loved ones and friends, and even that girl or boy in hell fire? Or would you?!?

So I think it's high time we as Christians rise up and do our master's job. Let's stop condemning those that are yet to be saved. Remember we were once in their shoes. And its only grace that saved us; not because we deserved it in any way. "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Eph. 2:8,9.

You may be wondering why I’m sounding this way; Sorry! If my words offend you, but note this that it is very obvious beyond doubt that time is no more on our side. GOD’S PRECIOUS SOULS ARE WASTING!!!

Are you thinking of how to start? That's not a problem!?! The Holy Spirit is there to help you. Ask him to direct and lead you. And it will surprise you how wonderful it is to win a soul.

Next time when you see that girl that dresses like a prostitute, instead of condemning her, you could give her a tract or flier before passing.

When next that boy comes around you for intimacy, you could tell him about Jesus. Please just make sure you do something to win a soul for Christ.

Always bear this in mind that there are many people out there who think God can never forgive them again, probably due to the things they may have done. They are people who think their lives are worthless; therefore they resort to doing all manner of sinful things just to punish themselves. You may feel they should be the ones to come for help… Well! I don’t think so. Remember the scripture; "And he said unto them, Go ye into the entire world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15.

The command Jesus is giving us here is "GO!" Therefore it's in our place to go out and preach to EVERY CREATURE and not the other way round. Hmmm! Did I hear you say; "But I’m not a pastor!!!" right?!? neither am I. Dear friend, Jesus wasn’t referring to pastors, but to all believers including you and I. Please like I said before, don't wait for someone to run up to you crying about his sinful life before you help him; cause that may never happen. Instead, you GO AFTER THEM!

 It could be you've won so many souls for God and as such you think it's time to rest or better still, retire! Hmm! Where in the entire bible have you seen or heard that Satan rested or retired? No sir!!! There is no time for that; so why should we? 1Peter 5:8; "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.", "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall" 1Cor 10:12.

The devil is very crafty and deceitful. He can take advantage of the slightest opportunity he has. Jesus understood this that's why he said before leaving; "occupy till I come". So keep doing it until he comes. Don't get tired. What if the person is not responding? Well keep pressing on. Pray for the salvation of the person and the Holy Spirit will do the conviction.

Did you know that although Peter was declared by the master to be the rock upon which the gate of hell shall not prevail, yet Jesus still needed to pray for his salvation? "And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: BUT I HAVE PRAYED FOR THEE, THAT THY FAITH FAIL NOT: AND WHEN THOU ART CONVERTED, STRENGTHEN THY BRETHREN" Luke 22:31,32.

What if Jesus felt too big to pray for him? What if Jesus left him alone to run his race all by himself? What if Jesus decided to mind his own business as many of us do today? Please remember, you were saved to save others! Jesus told Peter, when thou art converted, STRENGTHEN THY BRETHREN! Every soul out there despite their past is very important before God, Its in your place as a believer to STRENGTHEN THEM. Reach out and save a soul today and you'll never regret it!!! PLEASE GET UP AND WORK... SOULS ARE WASTING!!!

Saturday, 24 October 2015


I have fornicated so many times that i am in no way different from a dog in that regards. I have given my heart too many times to the wrong people only to find out at the end that I have been used and dumped. Am always acting like a church kid while addicted to masturbation and pornography. I am so addicted to pornography that I even have an extra storage drive for it so no one knows. I really can’t count the number of times I have aborted; I’m even scared of getting married for the fear of being barren. Most times I drink and get myself drunk. As if drinking wasn’t enough, I even turned to smoking and clubbing. I lust after everything that wears skirt with the excuse that I am just admiring them. I really can’t survive a day without gossiping. I get angry easily and when I do, I really can’t help myself from hurting someone. I keep malice easily and really don’t know how to forgive. I have led many astray through my loose lifestyle. Considering all this things, I am sure I don’t deserve anything other than condemnation and destruction. I am good for nothing. There is no hope for me! I have tried a thousand times to stop and help myself from this mess, all to no avail. Am sure even God himself has given up on me. In fact I’m doomed! I wish I was dead! I really don’t care any longer what anyone says about me; after all I am bad and hopeless!
Then a voice came from nowhere gently with lots of love saying; I STILL LOVE YOU AND HAVE NOT GIVEN UP ON YOU!

 I am the one who loved you before time itself began. The one who bore your sins and took your place on the cross of Calvary; The savior of the whole world!

 I understand it more than you can ever imagine. I knew you even before you were born. When I carried that heavy cross on Calvary, I was thinking of you. Quit trying to make it on your own and give me control cause I alone can help you

 Hahahaha!!! I have seen and tasted it all. I took the sins of the whole world on myself. That includes ALL THE SINS YOU OR ANYONE HAVE EVER COMMITTED! But you know what?!! I didn’t just carry the sin; I became SIN ITSELF! But in all these, I conquered and came out victorious!

Yes my love! If I conquered, then you too can conquer. Only if you allow me gain control over your whole life.

Yes love! For your sake, I left my throne to earth; took your place on the cross. No amount of sin is greater than my love for you.

 Because I am the Almighty. I am The El-Shaddai. I loved you even before you were born and still loves you now. My love is far bigger and greater than any sin you may have committed. I created you and gave you a purpose. I have kept you alive till now because I am not done with you yet. Indeed I’ve not given up on you.

I am not a man that I should lie. As far as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than man’s! You see, men including pastors, prophets, and tongue-speaking brethren will judge you from the outside. But I see and know you from the Inside-Out

 Yes that’s the fact, but it’s not the truth. The truth is that you are a piece of gold that has been covered with mud. All you need is refining and purifying and that’s exactly what I am about to do. You see, nobody knows you more than I do. Only the manufacturer can tell the purpose of its creation. I showed up today to announce to you that EYES HAVE NOT SEEN, EARS HAVE NOT HEARD, NEITHER HAS IT ENTERED INTO THE HEART OF MEN, WHAT I HAVE PREPARED FOR YOU.
I specialize in picking and raising people like you who have been thrown and rejected by men. People who are counted as worthless; People who are counted as biological mistakes; People whom friends have termed as waste of space! People who really can’t help themselves; Yes it’s people like you that I came for. The truth is that you are not the first person that have been there before neither are you the first person I have picked up. I can wash and make you whole again just like I did to the others. For this reason i was made manifest that i may destroy the works of darkness. Don’t let anything ruin your life. You are a valuable and priceless asset. No body under the heavens is like you. No one can predict your future, irrespective of your past. It may interest you to know that all the things you may have done, irrespective of how intense it may have been; it’s now part of your past! Old things have passed away, behold all things have become new! I don’t see your past anymore, I see your today. I don’t judge you based on your past, but I judge you based on your NOW! If I have not condemned you, then who or what can?

Run to me just the way you are and i will be happy to have you back. I will change your garment and help you fulfill that which I created you for! I am not going to patch your life… No! I am going to give you a NEW LIFE! If I didn’t give up on you THEN, am not about to give up on you NOW! My name is JESUS CHRIST; The Redeemer and Savior of the world. Is there anything in the scenario above that looks like you? Then this message is for you.
Do you want to give me control over your life? Please don't feel ashamed or condemned. Yes! you may have messed up, but REMEMBER THAT DESPITE ALL ODDS, I STILL LOVE YOU!
John: 3. 16. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER (including you) believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Just feel free to pray this prayer sincerely from your heart;

Dear Lord Jesus, i thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for picking and raising me from the miry clay. I surrender my whole life to you. From now you alone are my Lord and King. Thank you for my salvation! Help me to trust you to the end! In Jesus name; Amen

Thursday, 15 October 2015


Hello friends, welcome to today’s post. Hope you won’t mind if I ask you this few questions; What is really bothering you? “Is it lack of sufficient income to start your dream business?”, “admission into high school?”, “freedom from a particular ailment?”, “are you suffering from depression and inferiority complex?”, “betrayal from a trusted friend?”, “Have you been deprived of a job that you qualified for?” or maybe “you’re desperately in need of a child to save your marriage” Whatever the problem is, I’ve got good news for you!
Just wear a smile on your face and guess what it is?!? Hmmmm! Did you say ‘there is God?’ If yes, then you are very correct. That’s the good news! And also know these too that God is not just one big man up there who is minding his own business, rather he is a caring father who is very much interested in EVERYTHING about you.
Note these that the God I am talking about here is not a NEW discovery! He is THAT SAME GOD that has been in existence even before time began. And the most amazing thing about him is that he’s still the same. Yes… He’s still 100% SUPER-ACTIVE.

Hebrews 13:8 (NIV) – “Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever”

The word ‘same’ according to MERRIAM-WEBSTER DICTIONARY mean
  • Resembling in every relevant aspect.
  • Exactly like an earlier version.
  • Conforming in every respect
So the bible in the portion we read says; ‘Jesus IS THE SAME…’ That is a strong affirmative statement. The Bible didn’t say ‘Jesus may be the same…’ That denotes uncertainty. Neither did it say ‘Jesus was…’ That’s past tense and i wouldn’t be writing this message now. It didn’t equally say ‘Jesus shall be…’ That would’ve been a promise. I love how the Bible puts it; ‘Jesus IS THE SAME…’
So the God our Patriarch Abraham, Elijah, Esther, Daniel, Peter and other men/women of faith worshipped has not changed at all from the God you and I is worshipping now. He’s exactly like before.
Do you believe that??? Sure you should!!! Because God has not changed, therefore the things he did for them can still repeat itself even now. So you don’t need to worry anymore cause that problem of yours has reached its expiration date. It has never been recorded in the Bible that God lost his power. So if God could raise Lazarus from the dead yesterday, it means he can bring to live everything that was dead in you and around you. If God could give old Sarah a child, then he can give you whatever you desire.
One thing i will like you to bear in mind is these; that God has not YET solved your problem doesn’t automatically mean He can’t solve problems. You need to shift your focus from your problem to the problem solver. Never you under estimate the power of God or put him in a box. Always remember that God is not a man, his ways are not ours, his words are Yea and Amen, His mercies are endless, and his promises are ever sure.
Have you ever imagined the greatness of our God? Just pause a while and let’s do it together;
  1. He created the whole world (as big as it is). Gen. 1:1-25
  2. He parted the red sea. Exodus 14:21,22
  3. He slayed an experienced giant called Goliath with just a stone. 1Samuel 17:49,50
  4. He made the sun to stand still. Joshua 10:13
  5. He fed 5,000 men with just five loaves and two fishes. Matthew 14:21
  6. Raised the dead to life. Acts 9:40
So dear friend you’ll agree with me that the main issue now is not if God can help you, but if you can trust him. Just cast your cares and worries upon him. He’s never tired of helping you. That problem of yours is too small for our big God. If you believe it shout Amen!!!
I believe you’re no longer bothered about that small problem.. Right?!?! If yes, then join me scream “MY GOD IS STILL 100% SUPER-ACTIVE!!!” Yeah… Indeed that’s what he is.
Please watch out for my next post where I’m going to be showing you through the help of the HOLY SPIRIT, ‘4 WAYS CHRISTIANS MAKE A SUPER-ACTIVE GOD LOOK INCOMPETENT’
If this post has blessed your life, please feel free to like, comment, share, reblog and the MAKER shall continue to MAKE YOU.