Thursday, 17 December 2015


Faith is the substance of things HOPED FOR… the evidence of things NOT SEEN! Hebrews 11:1 (KJV)

Just imagine this conversation between Abraham and Terah
Abraham:         Dad I'll be travelling
Terah:               Ok My son… But where are you travelling to?
Abraham:         I don’t know… but I’ll be leaving tomorrow
Terah:               Are you okay?
Abraham:         Yes Dad, Am fine!
Terah:               Then I think you’re insane!?!
Abraham:         If that’s what it means to obey God, then; yes I am

Noah didn’t have to wait for the rain to start falling before he built the ark as instructed by God… ‘that was faith’
Sarah getting pregnant at old age was cool and awesome. But beloved, Sarah delivering the child at that age was super-awesome!!! That’s because child birth is not a joke… That’s why the bible expressly said “through faith Sarah received strength…” ‘that was faith’

Now note this that you ain’t having faith IN YOURSELF… but IN A GOD that is able to do exceedingly.
Faith is not what you’ve seen… but what you hope for!
So if it’s seen already, then it’s no longer faith. Faith is only exhibited when you’ve not seen it yet, but still choose to believe that it’s there!

Faith is when Abraham and Sarah had passed the natural age of child bearing, but still choose to believe, wait, and agree that it’s possible to have a child!
Faith is when the woman with the issue of blood forced her way into the crowd forgetting who was watching just to reach out to the Master!
Faith is when David decides to challenge an experienced warrior with just a sling and a stone!
Faith is when a carnal man like peter decides to step on water without considering if he will sink!
Faith is when the three Hebrew boys refused to bow to another god without considering if they will die in the fire!
Faith is when Abraham left his home town without knowing where he was heading to!
Faith is when Moses’ mother threw baby Moses into water, without considering if he will be killed!
Faith is when Daniel knew what lied ahead for the man who prays, but still decides to pray!
The list goes on and on! Know these that having faith in God may seem foolish to the natural man, but it’s worth a billion dollars to a believer!

Beloved! Has God said anything to you? Then hang on… don’t give up on him; cause Faithful is he that said it!

Has God asked you to do anything? Then do it immediately… cause the one who said it, knows the end from the beginning!

Has God asked you to take any step? Then trust him… cause Faithful is he that said it!

Whatever it is God has said to you, no matter how long it may tarry, please don’t give up on HIM… HOLD-ON TO THE END!
Even if it sounds foolish, Just have faith! The people around you do not have to believe it before you trust God.

I rather foolishly have faith in God now, but testify later, than claim to be wiser than God now, and regret later!
Always remember that God is not a joker. He is a faithful God. He wouldn’t say a thing, if He cannot or would not do it!

From today, let faith DRIVE YOUR LIFE!

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