Saturday, 19 December 2015


Daniel 3:17 - If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand.
v18 - But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.


I so much admire the bravery of this three Hebrew boys; Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Their love for God was simply inexplicable!

Let's look at some vital points in the verse above;
1. These guys knew the kind of God they served. They understood very well that God was able to save them from the fiery furnace. They knew that saving them wasn't a big deal at all to God!

2. These guys also knew that despite all odds, God will always remain God. So they said "EVEN IF GOD JUST DECIDES NOT TO SAVE US..." From their statement you'll see that they were not just after what God will do for them, but what they will do for God. So they were prepared to face anything that will come their way... Even if it's not pleasant to them!

Beloved! you've got to learn to trust God AT ALL TIMES! irrespective of the circumstances, always know that God is GOD!
Sometimes things may not just go the way you planned it, don't worry, God is working EVERYTHING out for your good.
Even if you prayed to God for a particular thing and for some reason God decides not to do it... Just know that He's still God! That God did not answer your prayer, doesn't mean he can't or doesn't want to help you! No!!! God knows more than you do. He sees the end from the beginning. That's why he is called the Alpha and Omega!

Many Christians today especially ministers are so full of arrogance. Many claim to be wiser than God. That's why when they ask God for a particular thing and He doesn't do it based on their timing as humans... They begin to complain and shout at Him!

Now... Beloved! Permit me to ask you these:
If you prayed, believed, fasted and prepared for a particular exams, and somehow it just didn't work out the way you planned! Would you still love and trust God?

Even if you don't get admitted to the university this year as planned, would you still trust and love God?
Even if you lost your only source of income (Job), would you still trust and love God?
Even if you've been married for so many years without a child and a man of God says to you through God's word; be fruitful and multiply! (Maybe you've heard it too many times...) But Would you still trust and love God?
Even if you are at the verge of losing a loved one... Would you still trust and love God? Okay! Assuming the person eventually dies... Would you still trust and love God?

I want you to have the same mindset that this Hebrew boys had about God. That even if things doesn't work out as planned... God remains God. And our trust and love for him should not grow cold!

Do you love and trust God because he has always answered you whenever you call? What will happen on the day he just decides not to answer?
What will happen on the day he decides not to provide a particular thing for you... Would you still confidently call him your Shepherd?
By Jesus' stripes you were HEALED... Would you still trust and love God if somehow you just happen to see yourself in the hospital as a patient?

Personally I understand and admit that it's not easy... but with God ALL THINGS are possible!
I'm not wishing for anything negative to come our way... But beloved, I want you to have this consciousness that despite all odds, GOD REMAINS GOD. AND HE IS WORKING EVERYTHING... I MEAN EVERYTHING (even if its not pleasant at first to us) OUT FOR OUR GOOD

Remember, don't love God just because of the things he has been doing for you, but because HE IS YOUR GOD and HE HAS NEVER FAILED...!

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