Friday, 8 January 2016


There I was in my miry clay, broken and frustrated. I kept doing the same thing over and over again.
I was walking comfortably through the shadow of death heading towards my own destruction.
Unfortunately I hit my foot on a stone and fell flat to my face... Just then I realized I was very close to my doom... I mean my death... *but not for the stone!

I was so lost in my sin and blinded by lust that I didn't even notice how close I was to destruction...

Why did I hit my foot and who must have kept the stone there?
All the questions that clouded my mind had just one answer, and that one answer kept ringing in my head; 'I would've been dead if the stone never interrupted'.

As I looked closely at the stone, I realized that the stone wasn't a thing as i thought... The stone was a personality. And he wasn't there by chance but was divinely arranged so I might be saved from death.
The stone is the same Ancient Stone that is otherwise called the chief corner stone. He's the Ancient Rock that has always shown up when it seem all hope was lost!
Yes! That's the stone that interrupted my life and am grateful that he did.

I began to ask myself... What if he never interrupted my life?
Maybe I would've been dead by now. Or Maybe I would've been a professional in masturbating, stealing, gossiping, fornicating, adultery, aborting, and what have you?!?

Did you just say "so you were a bad boy!!!" Hmmmm! Maybe you're right... Guess I was a bad boy that's why Jesus came for me.

You see beloved! I wasn't enjoying what I was doing, yet I couldn't stop myself. Every night I would wet my pillow crying over a particular thing only to find myself doing the same thing the next morning.
No doubt i was really on my way to destruction! You may think I was stupid but you see the truth is that as strong as I claimed to be... like Sampson I had no powers of my own to stop myself... But am grateful that someone greater than I interrupted my life!

It's a pity how many times he came knocking at the door of my heart...only to find out that I was occupied with the same thing that made me cry every night! It's a pity how many times he came looking for me only to discover that the boy he just cleaned up had fallen back to the mud... Surprisingly, as dirty as I was, he still picked me up, drew me close to himself, gave me a warm embrace, washed me clean, and restored my life, my joy, my peace, my happiness, and every other thing I lost.

Maybe you're wondering how many things I lost while in my miry clay... Well! One thing is sure; Jesus gave it all back to me, not the way it was, but he gave me in abundance.
Those words brought comfort to my heart such that I had never experienced. He promised he will always be there for me. He said so many things that words can't explain that's because his love for me is simply unexplainable!
So I bowed my face and knelt at the foot of the cross... And tears flowed uncontrollably from the innermost part of me. Then I said amidst my tears;
"I surrender all to you Jesus...
Everything I give to you...
Withholding nothing..."

Its true I may have said those words a thousand times to him... But this time, I meant it! I can't go back... I wont't go back to the way it used to be before his presence came and changed me.
Right now am forever indebted to the one who interrupted my life. The one who gave me a future and a reason to live... Right now, my past doesn't count anymore, cause I've been changed forever!

Jesus didn't just make me clean outwardly, he went as far as cleaning my conscience!
So right now I can confidently say I AM A NEW CREATURE... I'M A CHANGED PERSON!

This is to you my beloved reader;
Are you tired of living life the way you do...? I've got goodnews for you: "ALLOW JESUS TAKE CHARGE OVER YOUR LIFE TODAY... I PROMISE YOU WON'T REGRET IT!"

Thursday, 31 December 2015


Psalm: 125. 1. "They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever."

No matter what I'll face in 2016...
I have chosen to have confidence in a God who never fails...
A God was... Who is... And who shall remain...
A God who is not limited by earthly laws...
A God who is more than enough...
A God who loves me even more than I can imagine...

I have more confidence in the fact that...
He is bigger than ALL!
He is greater than ALL!
He is gracious and faithful beyond comparison!
He is El-Olam, The Everlasting... That means He remains the same!
He is Jehovah Shammah... That means he is always with me!
He is Jehovah Jireh, my provider... therefore I shall not be in want!
He is Jehovah Shalom, He is my peace even through the storms!
He is Jehovah El-shaddai; God Almighty.. That means He is bigger than all my problem!
He is Jehovah Rapha! I'm confident that I won't fall sick!
He is Jehovah Nissi! I'm not afraid because He is my banner!
My future is secured because God is my Alpha and Omega!
I call him Elohiym... The most high! He's higher than anything you can ever imagine!

I have confidence that the God who gave his only son will not hesitate to give me anything i ask from him according to his will!

I have confidence that the path of the righteous only shines brighter and brighter everyday... Therefore I can't have a better yesterday!

I have confidence that God will not fail me because he just cannot fail me!!!

This my God is just more than enough! I call him my ALL SUFFICIENT!

***Please through out this year, no matter what you may face... CHOOSE TO HAVE CONFIDENCE in a God who knows MORE THAN YOU DO!

Saturday, 26 December 2015


This is a Father and Son relationship! Note these that I and God understand ourselves more than any other person on earth!
God's my maker... I'm God's image
God's in me... I am in God
God's with me... I'm with God
God works through me... I work through God's Spirit
God can do all things for me... I can do anything for God
God talks to me... I talk to God
God longs for me... I long for God
God listens to me when i speak... I listen to God when he speaks
God hears me whenever I call on him... I hear God whenever He calls
God loves me... I love God
God sees me... I see God
God gave HIS ALL to me... I've given MY ALL to God
God honours me... I honour God
God needs me... I need God
God upholds me... I hold unto God
God means so much to me... I mean so much to God
God is my Shepherd... I am God's sheep
God is my father... I am God's son
God has not failed me... I won't fail God
God saved me forever... I'll serve God forever

***My relationship with God is DEEPER than the things listed above... You too can establish a relationship with God... That is if you've not done that already... I assure you that you won't regret doing it!!!
Please invite Jesus to your life today and live life to the fullest!!! If you have a relationship with God already, then kudos... You're on the right track!!! *smiles

I care about you... But God cares MORE!!!

Merry Christmas!!!
Remember Jesus is the reason for the season!!!

Saturday, 19 December 2015


Daniel 3:17 - If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand.
v18 - But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.


I so much admire the bravery of this three Hebrew boys; Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Their love for God was simply inexplicable!

Let's look at some vital points in the verse above;
1. These guys knew the kind of God they served. They understood very well that God was able to save them from the fiery furnace. They knew that saving them wasn't a big deal at all to God!

2. These guys also knew that despite all odds, God will always remain God. So they said "EVEN IF GOD JUST DECIDES NOT TO SAVE US..." From their statement you'll see that they were not just after what God will do for them, but what they will do for God. So they were prepared to face anything that will come their way... Even if it's not pleasant to them!

Beloved! you've got to learn to trust God AT ALL TIMES! irrespective of the circumstances, always know that God is GOD!
Sometimes things may not just go the way you planned it, don't worry, God is working EVERYTHING out for your good.
Even if you prayed to God for a particular thing and for some reason God decides not to do it... Just know that He's still God! That God did not answer your prayer, doesn't mean he can't or doesn't want to help you! No!!! God knows more than you do. He sees the end from the beginning. That's why he is called the Alpha and Omega!

Many Christians today especially ministers are so full of arrogance. Many claim to be wiser than God. That's why when they ask God for a particular thing and He doesn't do it based on their timing as humans... They begin to complain and shout at Him!

Now... Beloved! Permit me to ask you these:
If you prayed, believed, fasted and prepared for a particular exams, and somehow it just didn't work out the way you planned! Would you still love and trust God?

Even if you don't get admitted to the university this year as planned, would you still trust and love God?
Even if you lost your only source of income (Job), would you still trust and love God?
Even if you've been married for so many years without a child and a man of God says to you through God's word; be fruitful and multiply! (Maybe you've heard it too many times...) But Would you still trust and love God?
Even if you are at the verge of losing a loved one... Would you still trust and love God? Okay! Assuming the person eventually dies... Would you still trust and love God?

I want you to have the same mindset that this Hebrew boys had about God. That even if things doesn't work out as planned... God remains God. And our trust and love for him should not grow cold!

Do you love and trust God because he has always answered you whenever you call? What will happen on the day he just decides not to answer?
What will happen on the day he decides not to provide a particular thing for you... Would you still confidently call him your Shepherd?
By Jesus' stripes you were HEALED... Would you still trust and love God if somehow you just happen to see yourself in the hospital as a patient?

Personally I understand and admit that it's not easy... but with God ALL THINGS are possible!
I'm not wishing for anything negative to come our way... But beloved, I want you to have this consciousness that despite all odds, GOD REMAINS GOD. AND HE IS WORKING EVERYTHING... I MEAN EVERYTHING (even if its not pleasant at first to us) OUT FOR OUR GOOD

Remember, don't love God just because of the things he has been doing for you, but because HE IS YOUR GOD and HE HAS NEVER FAILED...!

Thursday, 17 December 2015


Faith is the substance of things HOPED FOR… the evidence of things NOT SEEN! Hebrews 11:1 (KJV)

Just imagine this conversation between Abraham and Terah
Abraham:         Dad I'll be travelling
Terah:               Ok My son… But where are you travelling to?
Abraham:         I don’t know… but I’ll be leaving tomorrow
Terah:               Are you okay?
Abraham:         Yes Dad, Am fine!
Terah:               Then I think you’re insane!?!
Abraham:         If that’s what it means to obey God, then; yes I am

Noah didn’t have to wait for the rain to start falling before he built the ark as instructed by God… ‘that was faith’
Sarah getting pregnant at old age was cool and awesome. But beloved, Sarah delivering the child at that age was super-awesome!!! That’s because child birth is not a joke… That’s why the bible expressly said “through faith Sarah received strength…” ‘that was faith’

Now note this that you ain’t having faith IN YOURSELF… but IN A GOD that is able to do exceedingly.
Faith is not what you’ve seen… but what you hope for!
So if it’s seen already, then it’s no longer faith. Faith is only exhibited when you’ve not seen it yet, but still choose to believe that it’s there!

Faith is when Abraham and Sarah had passed the natural age of child bearing, but still choose to believe, wait, and agree that it’s possible to have a child!
Faith is when the woman with the issue of blood forced her way into the crowd forgetting who was watching just to reach out to the Master!
Faith is when David decides to challenge an experienced warrior with just a sling and a stone!
Faith is when a carnal man like peter decides to step on water without considering if he will sink!
Faith is when the three Hebrew boys refused to bow to another god without considering if they will die in the fire!
Faith is when Abraham left his home town without knowing where he was heading to!
Faith is when Moses’ mother threw baby Moses into water, without considering if he will be killed!
Faith is when Daniel knew what lied ahead for the man who prays, but still decides to pray!
The list goes on and on! Know these that having faith in God may seem foolish to the natural man, but it’s worth a billion dollars to a believer!

Beloved! Has God said anything to you? Then hang on… don’t give up on him; cause Faithful is he that said it!

Has God asked you to do anything? Then do it immediately… cause the one who said it, knows the end from the beginning!

Has God asked you to take any step? Then trust him… cause Faithful is he that said it!

Whatever it is God has said to you, no matter how long it may tarry, please don’t give up on HIM… HOLD-ON TO THE END!
Even if it sounds foolish, Just have faith! The people around you do not have to believe it before you trust God.

I rather foolishly have faith in God now, but testify later, than claim to be wiser than God now, and regret later!
Always remember that God is not a joker. He is a faithful God. He wouldn’t say a thing, if He cannot or would not do it!

From today, let faith DRIVE YOUR LIFE!

Sunday, 15 November 2015


This is my humble letter to the Church of God worldwide. This letter is bound to list and address certain things that many of our brethren do in Church today!

If you go to Church, then you really need to read this to the end!

I am the best music minister this Church has ever produced. When I sing miracles take place; the blind receive their sight, the deaf hears, the lame walk, and even the dead are raised to life.

I'm sure i got this far because I've been singing right from childhood and I play virtually all musical instrument.
I've spent quality time rehearsing and my voice can be mistaken for an angel.
No wonder miracles take place when I sing!!!

"I didn't just wake-up one morning to become a preacher like many do today.
I spent good amount of money and time to train myself in Bible College in other to preach fluently to the satisfaction and excitement of my members.

I'm certain that's why i have more members than other pastors around me!"

"I'm the lead singer in my choir. Therefore if I don't go to choir rehearsal, the choir can't sing well... And of course the song won't make sense!!!"

"Until now my pastor has failed to understand that if not for me, this church would've been as dirty as a market square. All he does is to wear expensive clothes to Church!"

"What sort of voice is that? I really can't count the number of times she has left the key of the song... Since God is not an author of confusion, i'm sure He won't accept such voice!

I think I'll stop playing instrument in this Church, after all how much am I being paid for all my services! The pastor is busy collecting and enjoying all the church offering without even considering the fact that if I don't play, the church service won't be 'sweet'"

"I never knew this pastor was this stingy and wicked. Doesn't he know that we're the sanctuary keepers of this Church and without us the church won't grow spiritually?"

"All this shakarra this boy is making... I think he has forgotten so soon that if not for me, he would've still been in bondage of sin till now.
I'm sure if i didn't lead him to Christ he would've died by now and maybe... Just maybe he would've been in Hell.

Hmmm! Anyway i don't blame him... Children of now a days, they don't have respect for those who showed them the way!"

"This programme was a huge success... Am not surprised, after all I spent good amount of money and time to plan it!"


Enough of all these in the Church of God!!! I'm here to announce to you that IT HAS NEVER BEEN YOU WHO DID ALL OF THIS THINGS... BUT JESUS!!!

Dear Chorister and Evangelist,
Who told you that the reason miracles take place when you sing is due to your nice voice?
Who even told you that its because you rehearsed well and that's why miracles take place?
Where in the Bible did you hear that Jesus rehearsed before performing miracles. Even Paul and Silas in the prison didn't need to have nice voices for the prison doors to open.

Beloved when you sing, what interest God is not how much time you spent to rehearse, but the heart that sings. He's not even after the harmony of the song.

Am not saying rehearsal is bad, but am only making you understand that even if you don't rehearse but sing what you mean from your heart, GOD TAKES IT!
Always remember that even if you stopped singing, GOD WILL REMAIN GOD!

Are you a preacher of the gospel? If yes!! Please note this; salvation of a soul is not a function of your works...but the Holy Spirit!
Those Souls weren't won because you could speak well... It has never been you... But JESUS!

Dear Instrumentalist, am not disputing the fact that you can play very well... But let me shock you; even if you decide not to play again in Church, Praise and Worship will never seize in God's Church!
Church is not 'sweet' because you play very well... The 'sweetness' of Church is the work of the Holy Spirit! It has never been you... But Jesus!

Dear Sanctuary Keeper,
Inscribe this to your heart from today, that it is a rare privilege for you to work in the Sanctuary of God! Even if you stopped doing it, the Church of God will keep moving forward... That's because it has never been you, but JESUS!


To you my reader,
Please whatever service you render in the house of God, do it selflessly, whole-heartedly, happily and in sincerity!
Always count it a privilege to serve God!

Bible says; Hebrews 11:6. "...he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him"

Matthew 16;27. "For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall REWARD EVERY MAN ACCORDING TO HIS WORKS!"

Never you work for God in other to be noticed by men!
Never expect any man to reward you for services rendered to God

Always remember that its God's grace that found us and it's HIS Grace that is keeping us! Not based on our works lest we should boast!
The level you've attend in ministry now is not a function of your works but JESUS!

It has never been you, but Jesus!
Now Personalize it by screaming to your sub-concious mind; IT HAS NEVER BEEN ME... BUT JESUS!!!

So there's really no reason to feel we're too much when Everything... I mean everything is GOD!

To Him be all the glory... AMEN!

Friday, 13 November 2015


Something happened to me yesterday night and this morning I couldn't control my tears as a result of what God taught me!
I'm sharing this to you because it blessed my life and I want it to bless yours too!

David's stone didn't kill Goliath... God Did!

Moses' rod never divided the red sea... God Did!

River Jordan didn't heal Naaman... God Did!

David's musical instrument didn't cure King Saul of the evil spirit... God Did!

Daniel and Joseph never interpreted dreams of kings... God Did!

Esther didn't save the Jews... God Did!

Paul and Silas didn't push down the prison gate... God Did!

Priest Eli didn't give Baby Samuel to Hannah... God Did!

Elijah didn't seize the rain for three and a half years... God Did!

Mordecai didn't kill Hamaan... God Did!

Peter's shadow didn't heal the sick... God Did!

Moses didn't write about his birth in the book of Exodus... God Did!

Elijah didn't multiply the food of the shulamite woman... God Did!

Elisha didn't raise any dead child... God Did!

Ezekiel didn't give life to dry bones in the valley... God Did!

The shout of the children of Israel didn't bring down the walls of Jericho... God Did!

There is no BIG MAN OF GOD... We're only privilege to carry A BIG GOD!

Are you a worker in God's Vineyard like I am?
From today please note that everything we've done and will ever do is not FROM US... BUT GOD!
 So He alone deserves ALL THE GLORY!!!


*I know this is very controversial, but thank God for the Holy Spirit...

Please note this that SMART JOSEPH didn't write these... (**winks and smiles!) OF COURSE... GOD DID!

 *I love you, but God loves you MORE!!!

Please share!!!