Sunday, 15 November 2015


This is my humble letter to the Church of God worldwide. This letter is bound to list and address certain things that many of our brethren do in Church today!

If you go to Church, then you really need to read this to the end!

I am the best music minister this Church has ever produced. When I sing miracles take place; the blind receive their sight, the deaf hears, the lame walk, and even the dead are raised to life.

I'm sure i got this far because I've been singing right from childhood and I play virtually all musical instrument.
I've spent quality time rehearsing and my voice can be mistaken for an angel.
No wonder miracles take place when I sing!!!

"I didn't just wake-up one morning to become a preacher like many do today.
I spent good amount of money and time to train myself in Bible College in other to preach fluently to the satisfaction and excitement of my members.

I'm certain that's why i have more members than other pastors around me!"

"I'm the lead singer in my choir. Therefore if I don't go to choir rehearsal, the choir can't sing well... And of course the song won't make sense!!!"

"Until now my pastor has failed to understand that if not for me, this church would've been as dirty as a market square. All he does is to wear expensive clothes to Church!"

"What sort of voice is that? I really can't count the number of times she has left the key of the song... Since God is not an author of confusion, i'm sure He won't accept such voice!

I think I'll stop playing instrument in this Church, after all how much am I being paid for all my services! The pastor is busy collecting and enjoying all the church offering without even considering the fact that if I don't play, the church service won't be 'sweet'"

"I never knew this pastor was this stingy and wicked. Doesn't he know that we're the sanctuary keepers of this Church and without us the church won't grow spiritually?"

"All this shakarra this boy is making... I think he has forgotten so soon that if not for me, he would've still been in bondage of sin till now.
I'm sure if i didn't lead him to Christ he would've died by now and maybe... Just maybe he would've been in Hell.

Hmmm! Anyway i don't blame him... Children of now a days, they don't have respect for those who showed them the way!"

"This programme was a huge success... Am not surprised, after all I spent good amount of money and time to plan it!"


Enough of all these in the Church of God!!! I'm here to announce to you that IT HAS NEVER BEEN YOU WHO DID ALL OF THIS THINGS... BUT JESUS!!!

Dear Chorister and Evangelist,
Who told you that the reason miracles take place when you sing is due to your nice voice?
Who even told you that its because you rehearsed well and that's why miracles take place?
Where in the Bible did you hear that Jesus rehearsed before performing miracles. Even Paul and Silas in the prison didn't need to have nice voices for the prison doors to open.

Beloved when you sing, what interest God is not how much time you spent to rehearse, but the heart that sings. He's not even after the harmony of the song.

Am not saying rehearsal is bad, but am only making you understand that even if you don't rehearse but sing what you mean from your heart, GOD TAKES IT!
Always remember that even if you stopped singing, GOD WILL REMAIN GOD!

Are you a preacher of the gospel? If yes!! Please note this; salvation of a soul is not a function of your works...but the Holy Spirit!
Those Souls weren't won because you could speak well... It has never been you... But JESUS!

Dear Instrumentalist, am not disputing the fact that you can play very well... But let me shock you; even if you decide not to play again in Church, Praise and Worship will never seize in God's Church!
Church is not 'sweet' because you play very well... The 'sweetness' of Church is the work of the Holy Spirit! It has never been you... But Jesus!

Dear Sanctuary Keeper,
Inscribe this to your heart from today, that it is a rare privilege for you to work in the Sanctuary of God! Even if you stopped doing it, the Church of God will keep moving forward... That's because it has never been you, but JESUS!


To you my reader,
Please whatever service you render in the house of God, do it selflessly, whole-heartedly, happily and in sincerity!
Always count it a privilege to serve God!

Bible says; Hebrews 11:6. "...he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him"

Matthew 16;27. "For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall REWARD EVERY MAN ACCORDING TO HIS WORKS!"

Never you work for God in other to be noticed by men!
Never expect any man to reward you for services rendered to God

Always remember that its God's grace that found us and it's HIS Grace that is keeping us! Not based on our works lest we should boast!
The level you've attend in ministry now is not a function of your works but JESUS!

It has never been you, but Jesus!
Now Personalize it by screaming to your sub-concious mind; IT HAS NEVER BEEN ME... BUT JESUS!!!

So there's really no reason to feel we're too much when Everything... I mean everything is GOD!

To Him be all the glory... AMEN!

Friday, 13 November 2015


Something happened to me yesterday night and this morning I couldn't control my tears as a result of what God taught me!
I'm sharing this to you because it blessed my life and I want it to bless yours too!

David's stone didn't kill Goliath... God Did!

Moses' rod never divided the red sea... God Did!

River Jordan didn't heal Naaman... God Did!

David's musical instrument didn't cure King Saul of the evil spirit... God Did!

Daniel and Joseph never interpreted dreams of kings... God Did!

Esther didn't save the Jews... God Did!

Paul and Silas didn't push down the prison gate... God Did!

Priest Eli didn't give Baby Samuel to Hannah... God Did!

Elijah didn't seize the rain for three and a half years... God Did!

Mordecai didn't kill Hamaan... God Did!

Peter's shadow didn't heal the sick... God Did!

Moses didn't write about his birth in the book of Exodus... God Did!

Elijah didn't multiply the food of the shulamite woman... God Did!

Elisha didn't raise any dead child... God Did!

Ezekiel didn't give life to dry bones in the valley... God Did!

The shout of the children of Israel didn't bring down the walls of Jericho... God Did!

There is no BIG MAN OF GOD... We're only privilege to carry A BIG GOD!

Are you a worker in God's Vineyard like I am?
From today please note that everything we've done and will ever do is not FROM US... BUT GOD!
 So He alone deserves ALL THE GLORY!!!


*I know this is very controversial, but thank God for the Holy Spirit...

Please note this that SMART JOSEPH didn't write these... (**winks and smiles!) OF COURSE... GOD DID!

 *I love you, but God loves you MORE!!!

Please share!!!

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

0% of ME... 100% of JESUS!

For Christ sake what are you wearing?
What are you watching?
What kind of music do you listen to?
What are you dancing?
What are you doing?

Is God really interested about the things we do here on earth? Could it be that God is just one big man up there who is just watching us from a distance? Does He really care about what we do? As big as God is, does he even have time for the little things we do here on earth?

Would you believe it if I say that God is really interested in you? Yes he is interested in you! God is very much interested in everything about you. When I say everything, I MEAN EVERYTHING!
We live in a world where almost everybody believes they're free to do anything they feel like with their lives. That's One of the lies the devil has told the world!

Beloved, if you've ever had respect for God's word, then you've got to take this message serious! You're not permitted to do JUST anything with your life. As a matter of fact, your life is not yours, but God's. Yes! God owns your life. Jesus bought your life from you therefore you ought to live the way he wants you to, not just the way you feel like.

God is interested in the songs you sing. The clothes you wear. The places you go to. The friends you keep. The food you eat. The books you read. The files in your phone or computer. He is interested in the things you do on social media. He is interested in your thoughts. He is interested in the films you watch. He is interested in your time. He is interested in everything you do in secret and in public. Hmmm! It sounds funny though, but its very true.

Did I hear you say; 'but why is he interested in me?', the answer is simple. It’s because he is your maker and YOU REPRESENT HIM ON EARTH. So whatever you DO CONSCIOUSLY or UNCONSCIOUSLY speaks of Him! God is not an author of confusion. He wouldn't create you if he doesn't NEED YOU. Its meant to be a 0% of you and a 100% of JESUS... Nothing less than that!!! God is not looking for a part of you, but ALL OF YOU!

1Corinthians 6:20 (KJV) For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

Beloved! Would you give him a chance in your life? Would you surrender everything to Jesus like Paul did according to Phillipians 3:7,8;
"But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count ALL THINGS BUT LOSS for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, THAT I MAY WIN CHRIST”.

Jesus also said “…If any man will come after me, let him DENY HIMSELF, and take up his cross, and follow me” Matthew 16:24
“…whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not ALL THAT HE HATH, he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:33

Beloved isn't it high time you denied yourself of those things that will cost your salvation? Isn't it high time you surrendered ALL to an all-knowing God who is willing to help you. Remember When you have Jesus, you have everything. So is there ANYTHING in your life you can't let go for HIM?

Men will always understand why you do the things you do.
Men will understand why you are in an immoral relationship after all you WILL STILL BE MARRIED.
Men will understand why you cheat to pass an exams after all IT'S BRAIN SUPPORT.
Men will understand why you dress the way you do after all IT'S FASHION.
Men will understand why you should abort that baby after all you're STILL TOO YOUNG to be a mother
Men will always find 1 or 2 reasons to justify why they do the things they do and why you should do same!
Men will always pat you at the back and applaud you for committing sin.
But God will never understand!

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9.

Beloved would you prefer listening to what MEN SAY or would hearken to what YOUR MAKER SAYS!
As for me I rather have nothing but JESUS, than have EVERYTHING and lose HIM!
I don't have a choice anymore... Its all about Jesus! Yes its all about HIM!

Its a 0% of SMART JOSEPH and a 100% of JESUS!

Beloved you too can SURRENDER ALL TODAY!

Tuesday, 3 November 2015


There comes a time in one's life when it looks like you are alone... When the world has turned its back on you... When friends don't understand you anymore... When you feel all alone with no one to turn to... When all your plans seem not to work out...
Friend do you feel lonely and depressed? Are you tired of life... And you probably think God's no more there with you?
Maybe you lost a loved one at a time you never expected and so you think God has abandoned you... Of course you may think if he's still there, he wouldn't allow all this things to happen...

Maybe you prepared well for an examination and you trusted so much in the Lord but somehow the result didn't turn out the way you planned...

Maybe mum and dad are always quarrelling and the family is jeopardize... And you're not even sure all will ever be well again..

Maybe you are suffering from one ailment or the other and all efforts to treat it proved futile...

Beloved, note these that even in that horrible situation your going through right now or may have gone through in the past... GOD HAS ALWAYS BEEN AND WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU.

Beloved, God is not just there for you doing nothing? No!!! He's thinking of you... He's working EVERYTHING OUT FOR YOUR GOOD... Yes He is!!!

Beloved, God is not wicked. He has never left you alone and will never do. He's not even far from you because he knows that you NEED HIM TO SURVIVE. Having known these, he embedded himself inside of you. So you are CARRYING JESUS!

Everything you've ever dreamed of achieving in life is in Jesus and HE IS IN YOU! SO CHEER-UP!!!

Are you wondering why he would permit you to go through all those things even when he's still with you! Yes its because he wants your faith in him to grow stronger... God is not wicked. He doesn't inflict pains on his children rather he's there to soothe their pains. He wants you to know that HE'S NOT JUST YOUR GOD IN GOOD TIMES, BUT AT ALL TIMES!

Remember though Jesus was still in the boat with his disciples, yet the boat almost wrecked as a result of the storm. The disciples tried solving it on their own to no avail. Jesus ONLY SHOWED UP when they recognized that ONLY HE CAN SAVE! (Luke 8:23-25). God knows everything your going through, but you've got to acknowledge that you can't save yourself.

Spend time to meditate on the following scriptures:

  • Psalm: 34. 19. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.
  • Matthew 28:20b. And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” Amen
  • John: 14. 17. Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
  • Jeremiah: 29. 11,12. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.

When next you're faced with thoughts of loneliness and depression, just remind yourself that GOD IS INVOLVED AND AS SUCH, EVERYTHING IS WORKING OUT FOR YOUR GOOD!!!

I believe you feel better now. Always know these that as there's lungs, intestine, brain, and life in you, So is God in you! Cheer-up dear! I love you